Family and group Yoga and Mindfulness lessons

Do you wish you had more tools to teach your children, how to cope when things don’t go their way?

Do your children need to develop better skills for making friends and for standing up for themselves when others are unkind to them?

Is your child struggling to manage anxiety or anger? Do they need to learn techniques for naming and taming their emotions? Would you like them to be more confident and more resilient when life gets tough?

Best 4 Kids offers children and families practical strategies to handle all of these difficulties and more.

We offer fun, effective private Zoom or face-to-face lessons for families, or groups (eg Brownies, Holiday Clubs), in yoga, mindfulness and social & emotional skills. Lessons are tailored to the particular needs of your child or children. 



“My daughter and I took part in a family session and we both got so much from the time with Catherine. It was both fun and informative. My daughter was fixated!”

Anna, parent.


"I have noticed that the children are calmer and get settled quicker than they used to."

Sue, Parent


“I thought it was fantastic, some really great methods to try at home. I liked the assertiveness one!”

Georgia, Parent


“Such a positive thing. you are such a natural teacher- just brilliant, thank you!”

Claire, parent


"It was really informative for the Brownies and very beneficial."

Brownie Pack leader