Pupils courses

How can children learn if they can’t pay attention?

How can they be happy and successful if they can’t manage their emotions?

Nurturing wellbeing is key to supporting pupils to develop skills for the future.

According to What Works Wellbeing, children now feel significantly less happy with life as a whole:

”If we are to take children’s happiness seriously, we must invest in their wellbeing, properly listen to them and learn what works to improve their wellbeing.”

OFSTED, in their July 2019 wellbeing research report, state that “Pupils’ and students’ behaviour, such as low-level disruption in the classroom, absenteeism, intimidation or verbal abuse is often a negative influence on teachers’ well-being at work and will also impact on learning.”

Our courses in mindfulness, yoga and social & emotional skills teach children the foundations of how to be socially and emotionally resilient.  This in turn will have a positive impact on their behaviour, academic achievements and wellbeing in general .

The courses cover many of the Curriculum for Excellence targets for mental, social and emotional wellbeing.



"Doing role plays about how to make friends and stand up for yourself, they were fun and helpful."

Year 6 boy, Barnes Farm Junior School.


"It was very good, it helped me feel happy and calm and I love YOGA and MINDFULNESS!!!!"

Year 3 girl, Boreham Primary School.


”The breathing helps because when I was doing my homework I was a bit stressed and then I did the breathing,”

Year 3 girl, Newlands Spring Primary School


“I enjoyed it, you have been a great teacher. It has really calmed me down. I loved the finger breathing because it kept me concentrating.”

Year 4 boy, Cathedral C of E Primary School


'I love the links to real life situations to add context for children e.g what to do in situations with friends,"

Year 5 teacher, St Pius Catholic School