Staff courses

Do you feel like you need to restore your work life balance, and learn ways to cope with these challenging times?

Do you feel as if you have more to do than you can ever achieve, like you are running on a hamster wheel ?

How can we be effective educators if we are not taking care of ourselves and nurturing our own wellbeing ? 

OFSTED’s July 2019 wellbeing research report acknowledges that

“Teaching staff and education professionals report the highest rates of work-related stress, depression and anxiety in Britain.”

We deliver a BEST Care factor workshops that help staff to assess their own wellbeing, teach ways to address the areas causing most stress, and identify achievable ways to improve the balance .

Staff will learn how to be more aware of their reactivity, and how to respond rather than react to situations. They will learn practical tips to help deal with the unprecedented challenges we currently face.

Simple steps will be taught, that can be used daily to become more aware and more in control. These include understanding how our brains work, and using mindful breathing and awareness techniques.

Practicing mindfulness can help in many ways, from being more productive at work to overcoming difficult emotions. Many Studies show that mindfulness can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

We offer introductory workshops on how to teach children’s yoga and mindfulness.

We run Parenting workshops to help parents and carers set boundaries, build resilience and develop emotional intelligence with their children.



"Very helpful to identify your own mental health and wellbeing, areas for development and possible positive ways forward."

Class teacher, Newlands Spring Primary.


“A very informative course with excellent ideas for living in the moment and remaining positive.”

Class teacher, St Annes Prep School.


"I enjoyed the calming techniques for both myself and the children. Thank you!"

Class teacher, St Cedd’s School


“This training has provided me with lots of realistic and manageable strategies that I feel will really influence my work and personal life.”

Class teacher, Cathedral Primary School


"Truly inspirational,"

Headteacher, Rayne Primary.